business startup help & advice
Business startup help and advice developing your great business into a remarkable business
At Business Direction Services we provide the UK’s leading Business Startup Help and Advice consultancy via our 5 “Maximising Business Potential” programme. This programme is split into your 5 core business functions of 1. Strategy, 2. Finance, 3. Marketing, 4. Sales, 5. Leadership and HRM.
Startup Business Help and Advice to Maximise Business Potential
There is a blueprint of methodology, systems and business principles which when implemented will transform your business during its startup phase. Successful men and women who know of this method rarely divulge to even their most trusted staff or business colleagues. Business Direction Services offers the highest quality Business Startup Help and Advice Management programme to the great business entrepreneurs of London and the United Kingdom.

Our startup business management, optimisation and advisory services to London and the UKs great business entrepreneurs.
Is your business part of the services industry and going through a startup phase, or turning over less than £5m per annum? Our business startup management consultancy workshops and courses focus on a blueprint of business methodology, business principles, systems and measurement capabilities developed to help have the best chance at turning your great business idea into a remarkable “purpose built” efficient, easy to handle and profitable entity. Usually the program takes place over 5 workshops, with each workshop lasting 6-7 hours in duration, ideally spaced 2 weeks apart over a 10 week period (or planned in a schedule as preferred by you). We recommend at least 1 week between each workshop due to the reflection and consideration taken after each workshop.
Our Business Startup Maximising Business Potential Programme;

MBP 1: Strategy & Your Business Future
Strategy Course: Our first course focuses on your business strategy and planning. We look at your holistic vision, aims and needs as a SME business startup, your 5, 3 and 1 ideal situation, 5, 3 and 1 quantification model, SWOT Analysis, SWOT Matrix and critical objectives.

MBP 2: Intelligent Financial Management
Finance Course: Our second course focuses on ensuring your business utilises intelligent finance processes. We provide the background and fundamental framework for how to implement intelligent finance practices.

MBP 3: Marketing in a Competitive World
Marketing Course: Our third course focuses on marketing in a competitive world. We take a step back after working through the Strategy and Finance workshops and look at the fundamental driver to your business Sales.

MBP 4: Sales Efficiency and Excellence
Sales Course: Our 4th course focuses on Sales and looks at the your Sales cycle, processes and measurement capabilities.

MBP 5: Leadership & HRM as an Entrepreneur
Leadership Course: Our 5th and final course looks at Leadership and your HRM function when you are the entrepreneur.
*Prices exclude VAT. No contract is entered into. You have the right to halt continuation at any point.
BDS holds Professional Indemnity (to £1m) and Public Liability Insurance (to £1m).
How to buy / purchase our Startup Workshops / Courses Online
Work through our Maximising Business Potential courses at your own pace
For a low cost we will send you our Startup Business Management Course, hard-copy, direct to your door. This will enable you to take the time in working through our programme at your own pace. For each course you purchase we are happy to provide a 1 hour review Video call meeting to review your completed course and discuss any considerations or thoughts from our point of view, and also support you in your progress.
Please purchase our Startup Business Management Help and Advice course (circa 22-30 pages each in length) by purchasing with PayPal (with your Debit or Credit card – no need to create a PayPal account). Prices exclude 20% VAT. Buy 1 or buy them all here >
Note: During checkout you will be required to agree that you will not reproduce our content to sell in any manner or place online.
Buy with your Credit or Debit Card or Paypal

The best Startup Business Help and Advice consultancy course available is the Maximising Business Potential Programme. We support the great entrepreneurs of London and the UK
If you purchase our course online will send you the hard-copy direct to your door. Then you can choose to go through it at your own place and on your own, or you can organise for us to work through these with you (1 hour of time only) by video call (Zoom).
Or arrange our full days workshop offering by completing the form >
If you would prefer a full days 1 on 1 workshop with the business owner(s) (maximum 2), we will provide a full days workshop taking place over 7 hours. If you are interested in this offering please complete the form and we will reply within 2 working days.
Who We've Worked With